(415) 246-0101
One sure sign of a healthy business is that it is growing—possibly to the point that your office space seems less and less spacious. Time to move!
But not so fast: what about your IT infrastructure? Are you prepared to move it? How does one even begin to do that?
Don’t worry, we’re here to help smooth out the process by walking you through three essential considerations to make before a move.
Luckily, if you’re moving from one dedicated office space to another, there’s a pretty sure chance that the new place has some preparations made for business technology. What kind of pre-established IT infrastructure does it offer—if any—and how can you make it work for you?
Take your current technology’s needs into account as you evaluate its Internet connectivity and network infrastructure. Even the electrical wiring needs to be considered in all this. How can you set up your network and floor plan, based on where access points, power outlets, and cabling accessibility currently exist, to support your business?
One of the quickest ways to simplify a technology move is to leave some of it behind. Try to evaluate what parts of your existing network can be consolidated or eliminated outright. How can your current hardware and software be used more efficiently in the new space?
The cloud can also be a great resource in these kinds of processes, as virtualization can eliminate the need for some on-premise hardware, and that’s just one of the cloud’s many benefits. By simply switching to the cloud, you can embrace all of the advantages that the cloud offers—scalability, cost savings, and the flexibility that enables remote work—to downsize some of your technology needs and simplify the moving process that much more.
A relocation (or any major technology project) is not something you want to improvise. Having a detailed plan is essential to your success. This starts with a comprehensive inventory of your current systems, with everything you plan to take with you labeled. You also need to account for disconnecting, transporting, and then reinstalling your entire infrastructure in your new office: every computer, every server, every cable, and every peripheral. There’s also your data and software… can you access everything you need to function at the new office?
Turning to a trusted professional for assistance can be extremely helpful as you work to minimize, and ideally avoid, disruptions. At Microtechs, we happen to have a whole team of such helpful and trustworthy professionals.
A move is stressful enough before you take a business’ IT into consideration, so why take it all on alone? Just like we do with all of our IT services, we’ll strive to make the process as efficient and painless as possible. Call (415) 246-0101 today to learn more about our managed IT services.